Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Proverbs 8;6-8

     Today is going to be a good day Wednesday's are always good. I have bible study with the ladies, and then again in the evening with my husband. I have been so mentally overwhelmed and tying to focus on making some awesome pieces of jewelry that I totally forgot about kids club last night I cant even believe it.
        Last week I tried scheduling things to get done I had a whole list. There is a whole list every day if you think about it, well I spent most the day in scripture, so today I'm going to take a minute and pray and let whatever Jesus has for me today play out. I have quite a few things on my mind that are worrying me, a little stressed out you can say.
        So to prevent myself from accidentally allowing negative meditation I am going to leave this in draft for the moment and go read my bible and find positive scripture to focus on brb.
      So I started where I left off Proverbs 8 I read a couple chapters still not finding anything that i wanted to focus on skipped to back of proverbs read some chapters then asked god what is the message you have for me for today and let my bible fall open . It opened to the very spot I started at this morning

    Proverbs 8;6-8...... it says 6; "listen to me! for I have important things to tell you. Everything I say is right." 7; "for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception". 8; "My advice is wholesome, there is nothing devious or crooked in it".

    I guess dedicating Wednesday's to scripture as I thought to myself and wrote it on face book was exactly what god wanted me to do today, I just find it crazy its like the book is really alive lol ..............Tiffany :)

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