Thursday, November 8, 2012

negative won that battle .....not this time after crying myself to sleep an feeling so incredibly defeated by all the negatives that are at my door, i didnt get much sleep thats actually been quite frequent lately . But you know what being positive even when you feel like giving in is so much better. I am starting today with a FRESH START yes i still have all the probs that were there yesterday but i refuse to allow my old behavior of worrying and stressing out to get the best of me i have worked to hard to create the NEW ME . I have to give it all to god and "be still". thats so hard to do sometimes .
    I woke up today with my stomach not hurting as bad at least I'm still in some pain but I'm not focusing on it. In bible study they say that you should never claim something for instance i was all worried abut the pain in my stomach being more than just a stomach ache because of previous experiences so basically that was me claiming that it was something that it very well could have not been, when you claim something with your mouth that is you allowing the poison in. I have also been dealing with alot of dead beat bidders on eBay and this morning the lady finally paid for her cardigan that she had bought so they only  thing i can do now is to redirect my focus on not my problems or financial hardships at the moment but focus on this beautiful day i have in front of me where anything is possible its raining right now that is awesome in some ways but the septic guy is coming so i wouldn't wanna be him today lol kids are healthy yes cody has a infection in his front teeth but i found a emergency place that we can go sit and wait for a no show on Saturday that goes on sliding scale to get that taken care of.  I'm greatful for this day for my life for my family, for my husband who gets up every single day and drives so far away to bust his butt to give his family all he can give and has a smile on his face basically the whole time, yes he gets discouraged in instances like the ones we are having but they could be worse we could be in the same boat w/o him having a job,  well hope everyone has an awesome Tiffany

Thursday, October 25, 2012

a new day

           OK so i watched all kinds of videos of success yesterday amongst my stupid stupid head ache :) I'm feeling better this morning its still lingering though man i don't know what brought it on I get an average of 4-5 migraine's a year :( 
Today my game plan is to make up for yesterday, i have to tow the mark as Christine would say :)
     I called eBay yesterday wondering what these fees were :( ya eBay makes their money that's for sure lol but all in all i have a way better perspective about the whole thing.  I need an instant cash flow to be able to finance my website and creative side and eBay is whats working for me :) 

 My husband is awesome he is just way encouraging. I am such a luck girl I have everything I have ever wanted (that matters) my family is the best and my boys are awesome. I have great people in my life and wonderful opportunity's at hand. Now i just need to get off my tush and get this show on the road :) I just have a tiny bit more to do and i can focus my whole self on my website my dream of doing what i love <3

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


                    you see every one .....i am proof right here.....i tried my hardest to give god all my worries and they were stacking up by Sunday evening and WOW I'm SO relieved ...... I THANK YOU GOD , YOU ARE AN AWESOME GOD..... 
Things taken off my plate -
Husband NOW HAS a job :) - my car HAS registration - my car NOW HAS insurance - a full tank of gas to get my h
usband to work - I NOW HAVE a laptop charge - i have 4 more months of my no more baby pills - I AM NOT pregnant which for 4 days i was thinking i was but it was just stress :) - oh yes I NOW HAVE costumes for my entire family even my dogs - I got wallpaper past and the balloons to make kids eyeball helmets - I WILL NOW have time to dedicate to my business and making my stuff. - I have sign up info to take some making jewelry classes do broaden my knowledge and ideas for my creations - I NOW HAVE the chip comming in the mail for my own business telephone ......... Life is GOOD and I sailed right through that sea of "negative nancys" (lol as my friend would say ) thank you god..... thank you...... :)

I cant think of a negative that is lingering at all actually :) 
OK yes i can .......those darn dishes need to be done :) man i cant wait till my boys get home to play basket ball .......have an awesome day everyone my music is on full blast and I'm bee boppin around my house :) '   tiffany

Friday, October 19, 2012

happy birthday cj

 Today my son turned 9 years old I cant believe how time fly's I love you CJ you made me a mommy and changed my life forever , you taught me a love I never knew are a awesome kid and you make me proud each day to be your mommy .....sweet dreams my baby mommy loves you

Thursday, October 18, 2012


 So excited , had to get up extra early, my sons birthday is in friday he going to be 9 yrs old he has no idea that I am about to wake him up and take him to Disneyland. :) i must go get beautified :) have an awesome day

Friday, October 12, 2012

awesome day

      Today has been an awesome day actually i spent the whole day basically at bible study. This is a different group and one of the ladies there is just so passionate in her prayers and the way she speaks just makes you feel good. Each of my bible study groups are getting bigger :) thats great i learned more about fasting today, im going to give it a try I think :) you see i think its so wierd  how  the negativeness tries so hard to mosey its way into your day especially when your whole day was filled with god . Well I refuse to allow it I am enjoying having a positive out look and chosing to be happy,determined, joyful, enthusiastic, tying to forgive,its actually just as easy as that actually you choose its your choice.

          I love the way my life is going now that I have changed my life is following lol thats funny you really can do whatever it is you want....just do it "it is just that simple" be who you are who you want to be dont let anyone tell you how to be you. your you
...................................................................................................Always, tiffany

Thursday, October 11, 2012

about time

 Its about time I write an update huh? well life has been at full speed ahead for me. I am taking off with my craft idea i started building my own site and i have no idea what I'm really doing actually so i found help and my site is being created for me i just have to make the products basically. I'm so excited actually. It will be maintained and i can run specials monthly emails to my customers its so cool:). I have lots of ideas i need to write them down so i don't forget.

   I have also been selling my old clothes that i totally grew out of on eBay so that's a couple $ here and there. I get to go treasure hunting this weekend for supplies which is my favorite thing to do :) I'm learning how to love what i do and do what I love, I have made new friendships healthy ones so that's another awesome thing, oh yes and family i am now friends with family I never even knew I had that is awesome. I have to thank god for all that is happening in my life I am truly grateful

I am a very blessed happy girl :)      Tiffany

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


           This always happens to me, I don't know why I do it to myself. Its like I am my own worst enemy. When things are going great for me its like I hesitate and get very unsure. I'm not used to things being awesome and my future looking so bright. I'm almost sure that this couldn't be possible, not for me anyways.

            This is old behavior, old ways of thinking I keep telling myself. Instead of worrying about something bad happening or something going wrong, Its like I'm scared of what could go right just like some of the quotes I read every morning say. I get "stumped" when you are so used to life dealing you cards that are not always in your favor you tend to get used to it. When given a hand that you can wok with how do you accept that this is real, My life is full of wonderful opportunities, I have a bright and prospering future if i allow it to happen. I love myself more now then ever before, I know I deserve good things i defiantly have great karma.

          My life has been such fast pace mentally and physically actually, With our move, our fresh start. Trying to get settled in. The new business opportunities that are overwhelming, I just have to do it. "I think I can" is what I'm choosing to focus on today . It doesn't matter how many other people think i can, if I don't then its a waist.

          I know I can. I am awesome, I  just have to allow good things to happen and learn to not fear good things for they are good with out hidden agenda. Usually when it seems to good to be true it is, That is not true though that is not always the case or how is it that people do actually succeed in life. Success is measured in all different ways. The way I see it is if you are doing what you love and are happy you are successful. For goodness sakes I am soo very happy so i have nothing to be weary of i am already successful, actually I think I am the most luckiest girl ever, wait i don't just think that I KNOW THAT. With that said I am going to start this day and prosper in it in every way possible
                                                                                                    love always Tiffany

Thursday, September 27, 2012

beak the habit of being yourself

So the greatest habit you will ever break is the habit of being yourself, and the greatest habit you will ever create is the habit of expressing the divine through you. That is when you inhabit your true nature and identity. It is to inhabit self                          this is what im chosing to meditate on today :)


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


              What a life change that is going on in my life right now. I sit here in disbelief actually on how god is working in my life, on how Im working in my life. I am not holding myself back any longer, not that i was trying to before I was doing it un intentionally.

      My Shop Living Imagination is up and running ya its off to a slow start Im so critical of my own work so it takes me a little bit of time to make each piece, but with that said I have 4 items listed in my shop with 3 more sets to fasten the ends on take pics of then list.

               I opened back up my ebay shop also where i am selling all my clothes that don't fit me anymore and some other items also, I needed to come up with a way to make some money to buy some of the craft supplies i need for the items in my shop on etsy

   Im so exhausted in all areas and trying to stay on track and get things accomplished each day to keep moving forward wish me luck

Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Birthday

                                  " Happy Birthday"
 To most fabulouse Husband, I LOVE YOU sooo very much  and Hope your day is as AWESOME as you are cant wait till you get home :)
                                                                     LOVE YOU FOREVER
                                                                                 OLD MAN xoxox

                                                                             your wife, Tiffany

The Dalai Lama once said

The Dalai Lama was once asked what surprised him most about humanity. He answered, “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."    love it :) Tiffany

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday FUN day

   I love sundays,dont you? I wait and anticipate its arrival all week. My family is all home together, Its a relaxing day. The day of rest. We have actually been attending church regulaly so we enjoy that now also.

My son went to sleep last night in his camo gear so he could be ready when he woke up to go fishing :) he knows that dad is always home on sundays and the lake is a hop skip and a jump from our front door. Last week was full and cazy for me definatly the start of an adventure a new chapter of my life :) Taking baby steps and not being afraid of the unknown is what im practicing now. Time management i definatly did not master as of yet ill keep on that also.

   Oh my goodness I almost forgot I am taking my boys to audition in a christmas play this afternoon. I absolutly love my little town I have had more opportunities and doors open around here where there is what looks like nothing, then I have ever before. I know that my son is going be so good at this he is such a character.... I have to go for now time to get ready for church .......have a good day.............................Tiffany :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

" DOORS are OPEN "

     I'm so excited my "DOORS are OPEN " at my shop

       How awesome I finally came to a decision on my name, That was more difficult then I imagined. well at first the idea was to just open shop to sell my jewelry but then I let the ideas just flow and it developed into a bigger idea :)  like I quoted yesterday

Proverb's 16;9 "we can make our plans, but the lord determines our steps"

         I feel a sense of relief and I actually opened doors a little sooner then I originally planned I was afraid if I didn't open shop someone else might take my name, hey I put great thought into this ,  I mean think about it Living Imagination ," I'm living through my Imagination". "I can make your Imagination come to life" that's kinda my whole idea that I have going here.

      Also I have my store on eBay so I changed my name there to Living Imagination also I sell clothes and stuff there but it also fits there " you can live through your imagination by expressing yourself in the clothes you pick"

      So here I go wish me luck, This is how I am going to make my Dreams become my reality, I had no Idea how I was going to do that before, and now I see my path so much more clearly. I love to shop and share the treasures I find, I love to create and craft anything awesome, I have a new found confidence in myself and I couldn't be any happier......shoot " You clear your head "change your mind" and your "life WILL follow" I am Proof of that.
                                      ....... Thank you God your the Greatest, Tiffany:)

Friday, September 21, 2012


 I get side tracked very easy. I just cant help it. Most of the time its side tracked in a good way. Ok so I have lived in my home now for almost 2 months and I am still not moved in and arranged the way I want it to be this is ridiculous. I have kind of just went with my ideas and now Im opening up a store so Im excited, but there is so much work to do to be able to do that the right way anyways, now my idea grew from a little one to one much bigger so now i have to set up the part with the other fun crafts Neat idea list Its a work in progress I just finished taking pics and measurements for jeans for eBay so gotta go for now pray for me I need some strength

                                                                    Tiffany :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Under Construction

              I can successfully say I am over whelmed that's for sure. i am feeling accomplished yet side tracked. I did get a lot accomplished on the steps needed to open my shop LIKE picking a name that isn't already used oh my that was kinda hard still unsure really of the name still I want to open tomorrow That would be cool I have so much to do physically around here I need to sit and pray about it .Give it to god like I have been told to do lets see if it works I have already made my Husband his lunch so instead of spending what short min we have together in the morning in the kitchen I can spend it cuddling, that should start the morning off great    goodnight
.................................tomorrow is opening day......Tiffany :)

feelin it, kind of tired

   I am sitting here waiting in anticipation for something to happen, something to go wrong. why is that? This is where self sabotage or self doubt always pops its head in. When things are going good u know just to good you think.
    that doesn't have to be the case " no stinkin thinking" I am overwhelming myself and that is old behavior. I need to check myself rearrange my energy to focus on each step one at a time. I'm taking a break right now, i am trying to set up a spot real quick to take some awesome pictures of my jeans to post on eBay if I finish that and check on shipping costs I will feel accomplished oh yes and finish the pink set.
   Im glad it is only noon there is still some time my Internet is fixed it kept flickering, so it seems that every time you leap over a hurdle you have to slow down for the next. I just feel like a nap.  But I just have to "do it like my husband says ...oh my and I have the tea party to help set up for Friday then I have to dive all the way into town to grocery store mom-mom gave me a recipe for fruit salad that is simple It will be my first thing in the homemaking category :) oh yes "did you know" has to be another page you'll have to check out.................................Tiffany :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

accomplished what an awesome feeling

 I am feeling accomplished today. what an awesome feeling I must say. I didn't get any other sets finished, but I did get pictures of the ones that I do have and i have them listed .
 My shop is almost opening I have option to open it now but I only have the few items finished so far, and I'm nervous at the same time. I'm excited, I have even made a page of its own on face book. I wish I had a better camera but I played around with the one I have and I got some OK pictures, played around with lighting and different angles.
    I told the ladies at church all the stuff I have been venturing to do and they think its awesome quite a few ladies actually make stuff of their very own like Mary she is the sewing queen and makes all kinds of pillows and seat covers so I'm going to share what knowledge I have acquired and show her how to set up shop, it will be fun to learn right along side of others learning then we can help and teach each other
   I have managed to over come the obstacles so far which were posting pics and actually making some pieces, i just need to make it one of my daily goals to finish at least 1-2 depending on how intricate the design is. then once I have established a good amount of inventory then I will venture off into other shop categories, other neat crafts like my lady bug paper weights or Halloween decorations the holidays are upon us this is the best time ever to be a crafter.                                                         Tiffany :)
So many seconds in a year! So many minutes for making the life what you want! So many hours to create a life of success!

             this is what im going to meditate on today found it on face book

Proverbs 8;6-8

     Today is going to be a good day Wednesday's are always good. I have bible study with the ladies, and then again in the evening with my husband. I have been so mentally overwhelmed and tying to focus on making some awesome pieces of jewelry that I totally forgot about kids club last night I cant even believe it.
        Last week I tried scheduling things to get done I had a whole list. There is a whole list every day if you think about it, well I spent most the day in scripture, so today I'm going to take a minute and pray and let whatever Jesus has for me today play out. I have quite a few things on my mind that are worrying me, a little stressed out you can say.
        So to prevent myself from accidentally allowing negative meditation I am going to leave this in draft for the moment and go read my bible and find positive scripture to focus on brb.
      So I started where I left off Proverbs 8 I read a couple chapters still not finding anything that i wanted to focus on skipped to back of proverbs read some chapters then asked god what is the message you have for me for today and let my bible fall open . It opened to the very spot I started at this morning

    Proverbs 8;6-8...... it says 6; "listen to me! for I have important things to tell you. Everything I say is right." 7; "for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception". 8; "My advice is wholesome, there is nothing devious or crooked in it".

    I guess dedicating Wednesday's to scripture as I thought to myself and wrote it on face book was exactly what god wanted me to do today, I just find it crazy its like the book is really alive lol ..............Tiffany :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

" some people are inspiring "

            I am amazed by some people some in good ways others not so good. The women that are just like super hero's lol  they inspire me they really do. Some of them even home school, that is astonishing. I myself get side tacked very easy I always have. That is the intention of this blog is to use it as my tool to stay  on track, There is so much to do just to set it up and get the blue print made its a work in progress, I want to be like these women I read and follow you know the ones that actually put their ideas into action. I have all these things these ideas like overflowing in my mind I'm overwhelmed , I mean I spent the whole day in my Jammie's for goodness sakes but I did work on inventory so it wasn't a waste of a day.

    Time management is probably not only one of the first things i have tried learning but it will probably be the last checked off my list. I'm trying to find my rhythm. I'm branching myself out in all directions and doing it publicly just to challenge myself because I need to do this for me. I'm trying to break the cycle of me being my own down fall .

      I want to be a confident mom, I think its so weird sometimes, for instance I woke up thinking of these ladies that blog and just have it seems like all the answers and i decide to write about it then while this sits in a rough draft mode ...I am exploring face book and there is a post from one of the ladies that says "how to manage a busy day" lol. Its like seriously ask and you shall receive. My mind has been going 100 miles a min "naturally" and it feels like god  is guiding me, I'm real excited to see where my life goes from here and what opportunities I have in store, now that I am open minded, and willing to see them with a clear head on my shoulders.              Tiffany :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

" Meditate on positive "

 Road blocks are very common in my life they always have been.I am actually my biggest road block. I just cant seem to beat this lazy gene. "Just do it" that is what I' choosing to meditate on today that was my last lesson in bible study actually, on how to meditate all day long . To meditate on something means to fully allow it to saturate your thoughts, to consume your mind, to be what it is that you think about. 

   The thing you have to realize is that you are more likely to meditate on something negative with out even realizing it. If your worried about something like money, bills or anything your filling your body with negative energy,that's a powerful thing and effects your whole day .

 So with that said I think If you choose something positive to keep repeating to yourself all day, "find scripture in the bible" or like today mine is "Just do it" because I'm absolutely amazed by my husband and how he does what he does gets up everyday soo early and works his butt off at a highly physically demanding job. Then comes home and takes boys out fishing at least 3 days of the week, He's awesome to me, ya he has his moments but , I have to give him all the credit in the world, I'm a very lucky girl. Also take a moment to thank God for pairing us with one another we really do complete each other and I must say compliment each other also :)   
     If you don't choose something to saturate your mind for the day then life will choose something for you. Life does not usually pick something as positive as you would pick yourself, its just natural to worry. Just think about it... Change cant happen till you think something different right? 

                                                                                 love always Tiffany

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Fun Day

          Good morning, its Sunday fun day. We had so much fun yesterday with the family at Rylees birthday :) he loved his prize. I had a babysitter for my dogs, and while we were waiting for my Honey to get off work I got a call saying they got out, I had to drive all the way back and get them, I wouldn't have been able to not be constantly thinking of them running away.

      CJ dove into the pool and bumped his head pretty good he's like the king at getting goose eggs on his noggin. he looks like he has road rash on his face. I told him thank goodness he has a big fat head lol. I think he had to have been a fish in his previous life.Mr Cody gets head aches like his mommy does that's not good. Well hope everyone has an awesome day. my goal and focus for the day is family and enjoying living in the moment.Back to the swing of things tomorrow  trying to maybe get some things made to list them :). Going to teach my auntie to do eBay she would be so good at it......................   Tiffany

Friday, September 14, 2012

" Jesus took the wheel "

         Good morning. Thank goodness its Friday everyone loves Friday. Each day I woke up this week I have tried to make a plan for myself for the day and stick to it, well I have for the most part,practiced time management and tried to add some structure in my life. I have to take a minute and thank god for all he has done in my life, I realize that no matte what I have planned for myself, he has his plan for me hes leading me in the direction I am supposed to go. " Jesus has taken the wheel ". You know what sense he has taken the wheel my life has done nothing but get better, I was always told that but never realized how true it is.

         I got real inspired yesterday by my long time friend starting up her own business selling her crafty idea which I know she will succeed. That got me thinking (like i haven't been doing enough of that). I should sell my crafty stuff online too why not? What do I have to loose, nothing. I have had the idea before and just have never had the courage or confidence in myself to get the ball rolling.

          There is that "4 letter bad word" again CAN"T I have always cut myself short thinking I cant do something that I"m fully capable of doing if I would just try. I am no longer just going to sit around and wonder how great my ideas are how awesome my life can be if I just lived it. "Why can't I"? "I can". Where have I been my entire life? Confidence is not something you are born with i suppose its something I never allowed myself to acquire. I am trying to think back, when I was a kid what is is that prevented me from developing confidence, the only thing I can think of is I was always fat and allowed that to define who I was , who I could be. I accepted that i was all I could be, I never challenged myself to be who I wanted to be I just sat there and watched people, I don't understand why I did this, I just know that's what I did.
           In order to change something you have to first acknowledge it. Not even then does it just magically change, I mean I knew I was fat and even knew I was lazy, and still knowing it didn't change it. I had to actually do something about it.  I am ashamed it has taken me so long, and I ca not believe how much I put myself through by the choices I made through out my life. My boys are getting way to big for their own good and they do nothing but watch and analyze each choice that I make, I cant sit around and wait for myself any longer. I'm getting up and finding myself, my boys see that and I can tell its directly affecting their actions they make for themselves in a good way.

                                                                                                        Love always   Tiffany

Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Im just so frustrated"


    I just cant figure it out some how my blog says that the main page where all the posts are doesn't exist the only way you can get to it is through individual posts that i share then you x out of them and then that's the post page , talk about curve balls i have been trying to figure this out for a couple hours now i made another blog for crafting you can get to it by the link on the crafting page I plan on making a learning to cook, mom your the greatest, spiritual journey, adventures with my family, physically fit and a couple other ones the only way i see it is to write an individual blog for each one that's the only way i can write post on them instead of pages that you can just edit now I have to figure out how to fix what I messed up and for the life of me i just don't know shoot I'm glad I'm not going to be 30 for a bit longer , its hard job molding yourself into who u always wanted to be and write it all down to be accountable for it and knowing that any one at any time can read all about me, but that's OK I'm awesome and I know it but I'm tired of the same old me that's full of ideas and no follow through, no structure, This is my life and I'm going to "ROCK IT" for all the world to see as I lean to be "ME" and fix every area about myself out in the open for all to see "that's bravery I think" I don't honestly care what anyone thinks about me I'm hoping that if you read any of my blogs that you could have good advise for me in my journey or maybe even get inspired to do something about your life, change something about you, that you don't like, for yourself, and not be afraid to say it out loud........................................Tiffany      that's my crafting site

"staying on task"

                             Good morning. oh my goodness was yesterday a busy and fulfilling day, did I stay on task and practice my time management skills? I tried, there never seems to be enough time in the day lol. Open house at the boys school was fun CJ has 2 teachers one teaches math and science and the other social studies and history He is doing good so far he has to practice better penmen ship. I really like Cody's teacher I just get a good vibe from her. I signed up to be a volunteer for both of their class rooms I had to fill out this in depth form for a back ground check, and a t.b check, which I was glad to do I have always volunteered in boys class, never have I had to pass so much clearance. I like that. CJ will be doing math that I did in high school, I'm not looking forward to that at all I was good in school but omg I feel so illiterate sometimes when he brings his work home. I had a couple curve balls thrown at me yesterday so I didn't get everything on my list completed, my dog chewed up things omg, my study lasted a little bit longer than usual, I stayed to help plan for the Victorian tea party next weekend. My mom and mom-mom are going to come with me, I'm in charge of the deserts (that's dangerous I cant even make a boxed cake). So I plan on using the fondue thing that I have and getting a variety of fruit so ya I guess that's not really cooking but hey it will be pretty and who do you know that doesn't like anything chocolate covered.

             Today the plan is to add a little bit of structure along with practicing time management. I think it might take me a minute to master time management that seems to be a big one for me. So what is it I am going to do today to better manage my time? I am going to not set myself up for failure and alot time in the day for curve balls. I have this idea I'm going to try an actual time schedule what a concept lol.  I'm trying to figure out how to structure my blog how to add pages and understand this whole process. At the same time I cant loose focus on my day to day responsibilities, also i have to make a jewelry set for my brothers girl friend its her birthday and my mom says we like this one lol shes a keeper bye for now :) 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Open your eyes"

  Blessings come in all forms if you open to them. I'm just so incredible grateful and amazed how god has worked his magic in my life, how clearly i can hear him, how clearly I can see all that he has done in my life, if you "open your eyes" you can see all the opportunity's that are there its incredible. I just came home from my women's group which has grown sense i started attending, I had asked the pastor about a week ago if he had any maps of the land back then so i can have a visual reference to what I was reading, and today he came to me with a bible that has pages and pages of maps. I asked him if he could photo copy them for me and he says "dear I'm giving you my old bible, its full of my notes". How awesome is that my pastor gave be his bible that he has had for almost 30 years its dated July of 1983 ....OK shut up right now July is the month that my life changed forever in the right direction its the month I started my journey of self betterment and 1983 is not only the year i was born but 8 and 3 are my lucky numbers and I'm a total believer in signs. I mean this book is such a treasure and I feel so very grateful. 

Romans 2;11 says ; If you put his word first place in your life and meditate in it and on a consistent basis, it will change you.

     I also found out that there is a craft fair in December at the church to sell home made goodies and anyone that knows me knows i am the crafter, I make jewelry and what ever else i can think of, Mary the pastors wife brought these earring holders she made and told me about her garage she has all set up for her sewing. She offered me a ride home ( she had a wrist brace for my husband to borrow , hes having trouble with arm pain at night) she showed me her work shop and invited me to come sew with her when ever I wanted she has all kinds of machines even one that sews leather. How awesome I have never used a sewing machine in my life but Halloween is coming and I always make my sons costume.  Wait I'm not finished, i was just saying the other day that I needed someone to exercise with so I can work on toning and sculpting my body which is also a step in the whole process of becoming this awesome person I'm creating. Thank you God 

   "live in the light"
Ephesians 5:8says " for once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the lord. So live as people of light!" The more you live in gods light, the less you will want to be influenced by the darkness of the wold around you

Romans 12:9,10 Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.   

  "my eyes are open" and I'm starting to see more clearly than ever before, its amazing actually

                                                                                                Love Always, Tiffany

"S.M.A.R.T "

        Today I have decided to start out by focusing on keeping my small goals, you cant reach any big goals with out making the mark on all the little one's on the way right? I have a busy day ahead of me. I have made it one of my goals to become more involved with getting to know god and attending church regularly, I even read my bible often. I'm finding out there is so much I just don't know I'm now in Exodus. Today is Wednesday I attend the women's bible study in the morning and then in the evening the adult study. I have kept this goal for a month now and I'm so very glad that I have I am hoping that this goal will turn into a habit. I'm actually excited because my husband is going to be home in time to go with me this time. We also have open house at the kids school.

     Making good use of my time and following through with the little steps is what I'm going to focus on for today keeping a time schedule scenes I have lots to do. I have already completed my down stairs chores all except the added task of steam cleaning that I want to accomplish, so I'm ahead of schedule. Up stairs is my next battle so I'm going to break that up into time bound tasks. I'm not the best home maker in the world that's one of the things I'm trying to master as the new me, My kids rooms still are not all the way unpacked from moving in, I haven't yet given them the mommy touches I'm still actually debating on weather or not they need their own rooms, I'm kind of out voted. I also have to finish going through my clothes for the church rummage sale donation. I had some really cute clothes in way smaller sizes some one will be happy with them that's for sure. 

         My little sister says that you will always reach your goal no matter how big or how small if they are S.M.A.R.T.  Which stands for:

 S = specific. - M = measurable. - A = achievable. - R = relevant. - T = time bound.

       So with that said I have to go for now, I want to be able to add more content to my story page, make another page a S.M.A.R.T one so I can there keep track of my individual daily goals which are the baby steps to my bigger goal. I have learned in my recent past experiences that you can actually accomplish alot in a day if you are motivated. Its finding that internal daily motivation that's hard to do , its hard to mold yourself , when you never made the effort before. This daily blog is going to help me have to stay accountable, which is exactly what I'm designing my blog for a tool to help me succeed in this awesome new outlook on life I desire for myself and my family. " change your mind and your life will follow"                                              

                                                                                                Love <3 always, Tiffany

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

" I have been thinking"

  1.               I have been thinking! that's a scary thought lol. My blog is titled learning to live day by day, well I don't think I have been going about this in the right way. The posts I have been posting are basically my opinions about a topic and that's really not what I'm trying to get out of this. I am trying to learn to better my life and the life of my family, and to document my journey. My blog is going to change to do just that from now on. I'm going to make it like a daily journal and write about what it is I am doing that day to pursue my goal and my opinions ill put as pages, but I cant figure out how to put pages on the blog so people can read them. In all actuality I really don't care if people read, comment or are interested in my babble. My family probably is but my intention is not for anyone else, its for my kids and for me, something i can look back on when i have become all that I want to be. Structure that's another word i need to work on . My blog needs structure just as my day to day life does. I'm full of ideas and "talk" now just learning to walk the walk with myself as the sole motivator. I need to learn to stay focused on my goal and not get side tracked. My lil sister is my biggest support she is awesome and so driven in everything she does. She tells me i should make all my projects into a s.m.a.r.t  goal. hmmm darn it see I cant remember what each letter stands for. I'm going to have to call her and write it down this time, sometimes I feel like she was supposed to be the big sister :). I'm a very lucky girl to have her, my mom too. So to all those who are interested in reading my babble and maybe you can shoot me a comment or an idea o maybe add some input to what I have to say to help me on this journey into figuring out how to ROCK my own WORLD................                                        thanks .....Tiffany 

Monday, September 10, 2012

" In Door Mail"

          Every one can talk, but not all know how to communicate (not very well at least). i have been thinking a lot on this subject actually. I came up with an idea that i call "In Door Mail". the idea came about when we moved here to our new house and my cell phone doesn't have any network out here i have to drive like 10 miles away for my phone to register anything, well that's a problem because the trucks not working so my husband takes my car back and forth every day. It was my own world up here it is nice to have no communication, actually quit peaceful really. The bad part was Not being able to say "hey babe i forgot to tell you" or "could you stop by and get some milk on your way home?" i mean sometimes i would remember what it was that i wanted to say seconds after he would leave in the morning i mean i could still hear the car off in the distance.
        So at night after reading my bible (which i do regularly now) and writing in my journal (also a regular for me now) I started to write my husband notes on a index card, along with my I love yous and drive safe i would write a reminder list and stuff like that. then i thought to myself this would be great for the whole family to participate in so on the front (blank side) we decorate and address  them like a letter and on the back is our note, thought, feelings, ect. Now that school has started i write everyone a "in door mail" and put it in their lunches in the morning ( the index card fits nicely in a snack size zip lock baggie so it doesn't get wet from ice pack). i write encouraging things like "I hope your day is as awesome as you are", and "remember to take the bus home"  or "ask your teacher" things like that. They love reading their notes at lunch time. I used to cut their sandwiches into heart shaped , but they wont let me anymore :( they are just getting way to big so I'm glad at least they like  their mail.

       I have actually just now added to the idea and i took their composition books one for each kid and wrote " I was thinking" on the front i write them something that's on my mind such as "I love you, and thank you for your help today doing the laundry" or " don't you think that you could have been a little bit nicer to your brother" or " i have noticed that something is bothering you, wanna talk about it"?  I then place it on their bed and then when they get a chance to write back they do and put it back on my bed. This is a brand new idea so far it is helping us. I figure writing feelings and things like that down will help them think about what they are feeling and be able to get whatever it is they want to say out with out interruptions.
 I myself have found that journaling is very therapeutic and cleansing of the heart and soul, it just makes you feel better, I'm trying to re focus my life and be the mom, the wife, the person i want to be. I believe learning to communicate to the best of my capabilities is the best way to start . ANY IDEAS?


       Every one thinks that their family is the greatest.. There are no mistakes god places everyone some where for a reason, yes some get delt better hands (as they see it) than others ( but the grass isn't always greener on the other side) kind of like that show "wife swap" or trading spouses lol . My family is one of a kind and I am so grateful for the hand I was delt, sometimes you are taught (most of us) the only person you have to depend on is yourself. That is very true for the most part because you are you and you have free will, no one else can live your life for you,they can only guide you, give you advise, and help out when they can. My family was defiantly there for me when I wasn't (couldn't be) there for myself. that's the true meaning of family. Thank you every one of you that helped me and guided me back to the path that will lead me in the direction i want to go. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, you know who you are xoxo.
           Family's are not always perfect and you have those who only look out for them selves they may care about you,love you even but when push comes to shove, well lets just say their true colors come out. This is a sad occasion and I'm sad to say it happens more then it should not just to me but alot of people. Don't let these type of people ruin your heart or make you think that this is the way people are, its not. always remember you are the one who gets to pick who is allowed to play in your playground. That's how you can have family that wasn't born into your family,because you can pick. Surround yourself with the family that's true, its painful to love someone and have to kick them out of your playground there are just some action's, some things that are unacceptable. They say time heals all wounds, but yet people will "forget what you said", they will "forget what you did", but they will NEVER "forget how you made them feel". To my true family thank you for just being you "I love you".......... Karma that's all I have to say.

Friday, September 7, 2012

"opportunity's may find you"

 Taking steps in the right direction, My family and i went out to dinner this evening at this little diner in town, there i came across this little news paper called the messenger and its for my town and the tiny surrounding community's. In this paper i found classes on couponing,  a beginners writing class, I found a Christmas play audition open to kids of all ages (locally) Cody would love to try, and even the Halloween train schedule where they have a spooky train and at the end of the journey the kids get to get a pumpkin, they also do the polar express for Christmas. any way i guess what i am getting at is just pointing yourself in the right direction and being open to what life has to offer can bring wonderful things in your life...opportunity's may just find you like they did for me today.

"Can't" its another 4 letter BAD word

    Learning new things can be hard sometimes.Being accountable for what you say and what you do is challenging,it shouldn't be but it is, and to make sure that what you say is actually what you do oh my goodness. I was told once a long time ago when my first born was a baby that if i didn't do exactly what i said then my son would be a master manipulate by the time he was 3. I wish i could have listened and been more animate in following her advice.
    I was not a very active child you could say, i was lazy which has followed me into my adult years, i was a very chubby kid as a result of that laziness and if i thought it was to hard i just settled for making an excuse on why i "cant" (usually my weight had alot spots in my excuses).
   My husband says "cant" should not be in my vocabulary because that word limits your life and the things you do. He is right. "Can't" is another 4 letter bad word.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The BIG Picture

I have always had the capability to learn things quickly if I'm shown how to do what ever it is that's being done. now if given a task and left on my own to figure it out with no instruction yes I can do it but it takes me much longer because I have always doubted my capabilities, I have lacked self confidence. I have always settled for just acceptable not awesome.
      I guess there comes a time in your life when you take a look around at the big picture and think to yourself is this the roll I want to play ? You are the star in your own movie and guess what you also write the script well your lines anyway, you set the scene, you pick the cast, you are the produce,director, the head honcho. sometimes it takes people along time to realize that with all the power you have in each choice you make determines who your character is in the BIG PICTURE . When I took a step back and looked at my big picture there were some things I didn't like about my character so I had to analyze my situation and ask for help understanding how to take the steps needed to permenently change the direction in which my character was headed. In doing that it also made me realize that I really can be exactly who I want to be, I just have to do it, research things I like, explore my interests, learn things by applying myself actually doing the leg work to make ideas become more than just ideas, if its in my mind its possible and I have to just believe that. That means I have to believe in myself, that's a very hard concept for me, I suppose it is for alot of people.
       I believe in myself. WOW that feels good to say actually....... I BELIEVE IN MYSELF. I can say that today and mean it, I have confidence in knowing that its true. I know god has so much to do with GOD. I have always believed in god, but lately I have been more interested in knowing more about him and being curious in areas that I have never been before I am on a quest spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I feel enlightened, encouraged, determined and purely excited for what my life has in store for me, and who my character will become, and most of all what plan god has for me in the BIG PICTURE . get to make your choice each day....don't wait for what you want learn how to go get it, that's what I'm trying to do anyway                         


 i woke up this morning with a determination to make a difference... my name is Tiffany. I'm on a quest, what kind you may ask? I'm on a quest to find myself, to make a difference, to make each day not like the last to learn to live day by day, each day as it comes, one at a time. i tried to start a blog about a year ago  with the same idea but fell short in documenting my journey. the difference between now and then is that then it was a great idea and burning desire and just like alot of things i do i started it with best intentions but the things in my life and choices i was making i only thought were the best for me at the time. Lets just say i have rearranged my life and the people in it to give myself a more steady foundation in which this time i have a burning desire in myself to make the changes necessary in my life each day and live it to the fullest not just talking about wanting to so lets try this again self lol......and whoever else cares to read